They were with me in every little, but marking moment of my life. I want to express here my gratitude for all they've done for me. My impossibility of being present in some of their important moments because of my political life, brought me some sorrow. I couldn't, for example, be present in my son's funeral because I was in jail.
I'm sorry for all those little fails, but I'm glad I can now say to the world that I have the best family I could have. I had 3 wives and 5 children, but only two of them are still alive. This is a small tribute to all of them, here or not, close or far away. This family made me the man I am today, and this is the way I thank them for all that. I'm a big man, but without this shinning stars encouraging me, I would be just one more lonely black hole.
"Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family." Anthony Brandt